Feed Flows pulls structured content, applies smart filters, and delivers intelligent "flows" of topic-related content to any platform. Content is used to increase user engagement and thought leadership.


Our system can pull in just about any structured content on the Internet. Our curators qualify the best and most reliable sources in their area of expertise. Information from each article is pulled into our standard format.


We then apply artificial intelligence and machine learning filters to categorize information into topic related buckets. Our content curators oversee the keywords, trends, and sources specifc to their industry.


Users generate a code snippet to put these topic-related content collections directly on their website, post to social media or use in email marketing.
How does this help me?


We pull the best structured content from the Internet into a standard format in the Feed Flows database.

Pull structured content from the Internet


We apply artificial intelligence and machine learning filters to categorize information into topic related buckets. Our content curators adjust settings and keywords to create the most logical and useful categories specific to their industry. Our scoring system uses API filters including keywords, trending words, analytics, feed sources, and location. Find out more about Content Curators.

Content is Filtered through Feed Flows and Content Curators


Users can sign up online to authorize the use of these topic-related content collections in their website, social media, mobile app, or email. Find out more about receiving Feed Flows to your website.

Topic Related Content is delivered to email, website, social media, and apps


Usage data is communicated back to Feed Flows to teach the system about your specific users and deliver more and more engaging content.

Feedback teach the system specifics about your users

The result is increased knowledge, thought leadership, and user engagement.